
We will assess more on the best way to get the consideration of your online target group in your digital marketing and advertising.

How To Get People`s Attention In Your Digital Marketing Activities
The foundational requirement in catching the attention of your online clients is to establish a trust immediately they visit your website or click your advert

There is need for your online campaign or website to stand out and also create an atmosphere of trust before people will be willing to either make inquiries or purchase whatsoever you are marketing online.

The foundational requirement in catching the attention of your online clients is to establish a trust immediately they visit your website or click your advert.

Anything short of that will lead to them not following through with whatsoever you are offering to them.

In engaging your online client, the first law is to establish digital trust at the first instance.

Your target as a digital marketer should be to establish and sustain trust online. With the knowledge that every potential client is an advertiser for your goods or services, digital trust should be a priority in your online activities.

Digital trust is the confidence users have in the ability of people, technology and processes to create a secure digital world.

Digital trust is given to companies who have shown their users that they can provide safety, privacy, security, reliability, and data ethics with their online programs or devices.

Digital trust cant be downloaded like an App it is something you intentionally build as a good digital marketer and incorporate it in everything you do.

No one wants to do business with an individual they do not trust.

It has been established that the human brain thinks survival before anything and trust is at the core of survival focus.

In the law of first impression it is stated that there may not be room for a 2nd chance when the first impression is unpalatable.

It has been established that we form the impression of a website or an app in 35-50 milliseconds even before the visitor reads the headline, study the image or reads the content.

Another interesting research showed that after a first impression has been formed within the range of 35-50 milliseconds, it is very difficult and sometimes impossible to change that impression even when the relevant message or content has been placed.

Information is power, yet new exploration proposes that an individual’s appearance alone can jeopardize any information that individual has.

Early introductions are incredible to the point that they can supersede what we are told about individuals.

Another investigation found that in any event, when told whether an individual was gay or straight, members for the most part distinguished the individual’s sexual direction dependent on what they looked like – regardless of whether it repudiated the realities introduced to them.

“We judge books by their spreads, and we can’t resist the urge to do it,” says Nicholas Rule of the University of Toronto. “With exertion, we can beat this somewhat, however we are consistently entrusted with expecting to address ourselves.”

The less time we need to make our decisions, the almost certain we are to go with our gut, significantly over truth, he says.

The design and information content of a website or app are very powerful that their alignment can create a mistrust and get off the page a client that genuinely wants to do business with the digital marketer.

If your target clients attention isn’t caught at the soonest conceivable time you are at risk of losing such client. Every page of a website you design or any article you write should have this at the background.

The power of first impression should not be down played on.

In the E commerce world the first time a prospective client visits your website is when first impression are formed about your business. What the visitor sees at that point is what will determine if the visitor will take your organization serious. Since we are marketing to clients online we are faced with a greater challenge of establishing trust as compared with offline marketing.

In offline marketing, the target clients is engaging with the marketer face to face and thus the marketer has a huge window to engage non verbal communication tactic to influence the buyer.

As has been established by research, 93% of our communication is non verbal and only 7 percent is verbal communication. With this huddle already facing a digital marketer, it is imperative that he/she should utilize all established digital trust principles optimally.

For a long time, presentations and initial introductions occurred face to face, up close and personal, joined by a handshake.

Quick forward to today and we are totally associated on Google, Twitter, LinkedIn and scores of other web based life stages.

Our intentions should be to evoke that strong first impression at that initial online contact as that may be a one off chance if not properly harnessed not because of our online visitor but because of the background we created by our first impression.

A great digital marketer should be intentional to create that great compelling atmosphere of trust and acceptance at the first virtual contact with his online prospective clients.

There have been some researches in the field of first impression and digital trust. We will be evaluating some of these researches at this point.

The first research we will evaluate and see how the outcome will assist us in our digital marketing journey is the research conducted by four british researchers.

The research objective is to determine the impact of different designs and information content on customers’ trust and influence in their online decision making.

They came out with an interesting outcome and guideline that will greatly help your digital marketing activities.

Look out for our next article where will be evaluating this and discuss further on ways you can use the principle of first impression to propel your digital marketing business forward.

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